Gaining Market Advantage via Strategic Domain Name Monitoring
In this blog, we look at the critical role of domain name monitoring in both protecting your brand and providing a strategic edge by analyzing competitors’ domain activities to inform smarter business decisions.
Domain Spoofing: YouTube Issues Alert
Youtube Domain Spoofing Attack
YouTube has issued a warning to its users that hackers are using phishing emails to trick them into clicking on suspicious links. The phishing emails appear to come from a legitimate YouTube email address, ‘‘,...
Going Global: IP, Domain Names and Social Media
10 April 2023
Navigating the Complexities of IP, Domain Names, and Social Media in New Markets
Expanding to new markets is a complex process that presents several challenges for startups. They need to understand the market, adapt to cultural differences, comply with...
Parramatta City Council Loses UDRP
The City of Parramatta Council NSW (“Parramatta Council”), recently launched an unsuccessful UDRP case against the Registrant of domain name, initially registered in 2004 and last acquired in 2012. (WIPO, D2021-0773, City of Parramatta Council v....
Brand Protection: AdultBlock
Who is AdultBlock/AdultBlock+ for?
For Sunrise B block owners: Sunrise B blocks, which prevented registrations of brand names under .xxx, will expire in December 2021. The blocks will automatically be converted to an AdultBlock product for one year. To keep the block on...