16 November 2023, by Ed Seaford
Navigating the reporting systems for abuse or phishing across various social media platforms can be a daunting task for users and brands. Cybersecurity and Incident Support Teams (CIST) often face the challenge of orienting themselves in a labyrinth of diverse processes, not to mention individuals with no experience in reporting abuse. While some platforms offer detailed reporting forms within their apps or websites, others provide APIs for bulk reporting, and yet more have in-app reporting for individual issues. The criteria for a successful report can vary significantly; some platforms require extensive evidence, whereas others may rely more on user narratives
This diversity, although tailored to each platform’s specific environment, can be both annoying and overwhelming for users, especially when dealing with the same issue across multiple platforms. It’s not uncommon for some users to just give up.
The current state of affairs, where each platform operates its own reporting system, is akin to a digital Tower of Babel – chaotic, confusing, and ultimately ineffective. It is here that the argument for a unified reporting tool becomes an interesting proposition.
A Standardised and Unified Reporting Process – Enhancing User Experience
Currently, users face a challenging task: they must navigate through a confusing array of reporting mechanisms on different social media platforms. This scattered approach often leads to frustration and a sense of helplessness.
The implementation of a unified and standardized reporting process across all major social media platforms would offer several significant benefits. Firstly, it would greatly simplify the user experience. Instead of having to understand and navigate different reporting systems for each platform, users would encounter a consistent and intuitive process, regardless of where the abuse or phishing attempt occurs. This uniformity would not only save time but also reduce the confusion and frustration often associated with reporting online abuse.
Another key advantage would be improved efficiency in handling reports. With a standardized system, the response to reported issues could be faster and more effective. Platforms could more easily share information about emerging threats and coordinate their responses, leading to a more proactive and comprehensive approach to online safety.
Standardization also means better data collection and analysis. With similar reporting processes, data gathered from different platforms could be aggregated and analyzed more effectively. This would enhance the understanding of patterns and trends in online abuse, enabling the development of more targeted and effective strategies to combat these issues.
Moreover, a unified reporting process could lead to more equitable handling of reports. Currently, the varying degrees of rigour and attention given to reports across platforms can result in inconsistent outcomes. Standardisation would help ensure that all reports are treated with the same level of seriousness and thoroughness, regardless of where they are made.
For law enforcement and policymakers, a standardised reporting process would provide clearer insights into the prevalence and nature of online abuse. This could inform more effective policy and legal responses, tailored to the actual dynamics of online abuse and harassment.
Improved Predictability of Reporting Outcomes
A unified social media reporting process, adopted by all platforms, could significantly enhance the predictability and efficiency of handling abuse reports. With standardised procedures in place, users would have clearer expectations regarding the time frame for outcomes, reducing uncertainty and anxiety. This uniform approach would also allow for the establishment of expected timelines for responses, ensuring timely action in addressing reports. Moreover, in cases of clear abuse, bullying, or criminal activity, the streamlined process would facilitate a quicker suspension or remedial action. Such consistency not only aids in managing user expectations but also contributes to a more trustworthy and safer online environment, as platforms uniformly enforce rules against harmful content.
Are tighter reporting laws needed?
There is no doubt that bringing all of the major Social Media platforms to the table on this matter would be highly challenging, for multiple reasons, therefore legislative intervention might be a key step forward.
Standardising the abuse reporting process through legislation could significantly streamline how complaints are handled across various platforms, leading to a more uniform and effective response to online abuse. This approach not only promises to make the reporting process more user-friendly but could also significantly enhance the overall efficiency of tackling such issues. While concerns exist about potentially stifling innovation within the tech industry, the overriding importance of user safety and the need for a consistent response to abuse seem to outweigh these risks. Furthermore, such standardisation can be designed to respect free speech and privacy rights, striking a necessary balance in our digital world.
The impact of such reporting laws could be particularly profound on platforms like Telegram, which have historically taken a more relaxed stance in protecting users and brands from scammers and bad actors. Mandatory reporting laws would necessitate these platforms to adopt more robust measures against such malicious activities. While Telegram is known for its commitment to user privacy, the introduction of these laws would require the platform to reconcile this commitment with the need for greater security measures. This balancing act, though challenging, is essential in the context of addressing the many evolving digital threats to ensure that everyone can expect the same protections across all social media platforms.
About brandsec
brandsec is an Australian domain name management provider that offers online brand management solutions to corporate and government organisations.
Our services include domain name management, domain name security, domain name policy development, dispute management, monitoring, and enforcement services. Additionally, brandsec offers a comprehensive online brand protection service that covers various platforms such as websites, social media, email, and online marketplaces. The service addresses issues related to counterfeiting, fakes, copyright infringement, intellectual property (IP) matters, piracy, and other intellectual protection-related issues.